Are you new to Hills? Would you like to learn more about our church? Let’s Talk is an informal gathering where you’ll get to meet and interact with Pastor Jeff and Jayme, some of our staff and other people that are new to Hills, just like you. It’s a great first step in getting connected. If you’re interest in signing up for a future Lets Talk please contact info@hillschurchoc.com

LifePath describes one’s life-long journey of following Jesus. To be a disciple is to be a follower. LifePath uses the teaching model to orient people to live obediently to God’s word. And in the process, we experience God’s presence. And we learn what it is to share life with Him.
“Fresh Start” is an 8 session study in God’s Word to initiate your relationship with the Lord and understand this new way of living.
Pick up a booklet at the information booth.
“First Steps” is an 5 week orientation to this journey called “discipleship.” In First Steps you will discover how much Jesus really loves you
and how He wants to share life with you – today and everyday for eternity. It takes a look at the power of receiving God’s complete
forgiveness and the freedom the results from a life that is lived in God’s grace. You’ll learn how to overcome the shame that paralyzes
one’s life. And you’ll discover a new identity that is found not in your performance or achievements, but one that is yours now
that you are “in” Christ. Check the church calendar for the next session.

We’re excited to have you consider Hills Church as the place you want to belong. Our Connections Class is the place to go to hear our story, what God is doing in and thru Hills, as well as an opportunity to get to know you and your story. After this class we believe you’ll understand how God has placed you here see how you fit at Hills. Please allow for 3 hours. If you would like to be contacted about the next Connections Class, let us know at info@hillschurchoc.com.

Lucy and Ethel, Laverne and Shirley, Rachel and Monica are a few of popular television friendship icons. Many women desire to have relationships that these women portray. Most women have friends, but they do not have “real”ationships; other women with whom one can truly be “real” with and still feel accepted by them. The women’s ministry here at Hills encourages women to become exactly who God created them to be through real-ationships. R.E.A.L. stands for:
- Respectful – Show respect to everyone | 1 Peter 2:17
- Encouraging – Encourage one anther and build each other up. | 1 Thessalonians 5:11
- Accountable – As iron sharpens iron so (woman) sharpens another. | Proverbs 27:17
- Loving – Love deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. | 1 Peter 4:8
These are the building blocks to authentic Christ-centered friendships. The greatest bond in a real-ationship is Jesus. Jesus desires to have a relationship with us and ultimately our goal is to be a reflection of him. As we share our lives with others, our relationship with Jesus grows deeper. R.E.A.L. Women have quarterly gatherings along with weekly Life Groups. Check the church calendar for the current activities.
Current Study
ANONYMOUS WOMEN – The unnamed women in the Bible
Every other Thursday @ 7:00 PM (Online)
To get the weekly information, click the button below.

Hills’ Men’s Ministry is committed to helping men live authentic, God honoring lives. Through retreats, quarterly gatherings, and Life Groups, men are challenged, encouraged, and resourced to follow Jesus with faith and obedience. Check the church calendar for the current activities.
Tuesdays, 6:30 AM (Online)
To get the link to the online video call, click the button below.
Hills Church is committed to reaching to touch the world with the good news of God’s love through Jesus Christ. Here’s some of the ways we participate in expanding God’s Kingdom, globally, nationally, and locally.
“PAUL & MARIE” (alias used for security purposes)
MENECA Regional Coordinators | Plovdiv, Bulgaria
The MENACA region is 27 countries that are predominately Muslim. These nations have typically been called “closed’ or “creative access” countries because they are not inviting to traditional methods of the word being spread. “Paul & Marie” are passionate about leading more than 30 workers in countries throughout this region and seeing how these workers are making inroads to spreading the good news in these typically hard-to-reach countries.
Watch for more information about opportunities to be involved with Foursquare Missions International.
Jacaranda Community | Nairobi, Kenya
Brenda Kean is the director of Jacaranda Community in Nairobi Kenya. Jacaranda’s ministry is a multi-pronged approach bringing hope to women and children in the slums of Nairobi through vocational training and Jacaranda Creations (sewing), education (Jacaranda Academics) and health care (Jacaranda Care) and Jacaranda Christian Fellowship, a thriving local church in the heart of Mararui slum.
Crossroads Ireland | Galway, Ireland
Having started from “scratch” with only a couple of contacts in Galway, The O’Tooles – Tim, Kristina, Elijah, and Madison – have invested over a decade of sowing the love of God into west Ireland. They started the initiative “Serve The City – Galway,” partnering with local homeless shelters, refugee centers, and orphanages, serving in areas within the community that previously have not been open to Christians. The O’Tooles have also begun a house church (Doches Nua – “New Hope”), discipling new Irish believers, teaching them how to disciple others and launch house meetings in their villages.
Camp Agape California is a non-profit children’s camp tailored to the needs of under-served children who have one or both parents incarcerated. Through their 4-day camp experience, these incredible children will experience spiritual, social, and relational growth that will help prepare them for a restorative relationship with their parents upon release from jail or prison. CAC allows kids to be kids through fun activities and to facilitate healing and restoration by teaching and equipping kids by the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through love, trust, forgiveness, hope and prayer.
Family Assistance Ministries is a faith-based charitable non-profit that provides food, shelter, and aid to thousands in south Orange County. It offers personalized support and aid in order to help clients bridge the gap from dependency to self-sufficiency. FAM partners with local churches as an extension of a congregation’s benevolence ministries.
Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ. Through this shared passion for athletes and faith, lives are changed for current and future generations.
Hills Church partners with South Orange County area representative (and Hills Church youth director) Adam Juarez as he serves the student populations of Aliso Niguel, Capistrano Valley, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, and San Clemente High Schools as well as Capistrano Valley Christian School.
Hands and Feet projects are the church-wide initiatives that Hills Church participates in, annually and monthly. There are additional outreach and community service projects that Hills Church is also engaged with throughout the year. Some examples of these are:
- Back To School Backpacks for Niguel Hills Middle School
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Capistrano Valley Christian School
- Angel Tree Christmas Outreach w/Prison Fellowship
- Laguna Niguel Christmas Parade
- Laundry Love